
Our Blog . May 30, 2024

Chill Out, Buttercup: Taming the Overthinking Beast

Hey there, dazzling thinkers and professional worrywarts! Today, we’re talking about that sneaky little gremlin called overthinking and how it’s about as helpful as a chocolate teapot. Picture this: your brain, a super-efficient, high-speed train, zooming through the countryside of your consciousness. Pretty cool, right? But wait – there’s a catch. This train doesn’t know when to stop. It’s like it’s driven by a caffeine-addicted squirrel, making non-stop trips to Overthinksville. Choo choo, welcome to Stress Central!

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Our Blog . May 8, 2024

I Don’t Chase, I Attract

Oh, hey there, you fabulous creature of the universe! Today, we’re going to chat about something so mind-blowingly simple yet as elusive as that last piece of avocado in your superfood salad: the concept of “I don’t chase, I attract.” So, put down your green juice, kick off those yoga pants (or keep them on, they’re pretty comfy), and let’s get into the nitty-gritty of being a magnet for awesomeness.

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