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Our Blog . May 30, 2024

Chill Out, Buttercup: Taming the Overthinking Beast

Hey there, dazzling thinkers and professional worrywarts! Today, we’re talking about that sneaky little gremlin called overthinking and how it’s about as helpful as a chocolate teapot. Picture this: your brain, a super-efficient, high-speed train, zooming through the countryside of your consciousness. Pretty cool, right? But wait – there’s a catch. This train doesn’t know when to stop. It’s like it’s driven by a caffeine-addicted squirrel, making non-stop trips to Overthinksville. Choo choo, welcome to Stress Central!

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Our Blog . May 8, 2024

I Don’t Chase, I Attract

Oh, hey there, you fabulous creature of the universe! Today, we’re going to chat about something so mind-blowingly simple yet as elusive as that last piece of avocado in your superfood salad: the concept of “I don’t chase, I attract.” So, put down your green juice, kick off those yoga pants (or keep them on, they’re pretty comfy), and let’s get into the nitty-gritty of being a magnet for awesomeness.

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Our Blog . March 16, 2024

Gratitude: The Secret Sauce to a Gloriously Groovy Life

Hey there, groovy souls! We are diving headfirst into the glittery pool of gratitude. You know, that magical feeling that turns your everyday blah into a vibrant, “I just won a lifetime supply of chocolate” kind of yay! Let’s face it, life can be like a rollercoaster designed by a mad scientist. One minute you’re up, feeling like the ruler of your own personal universe.

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Our Blog . March 12, 2024

I am Sovereign: The Day I Fired Everyone in My Head

Hey there, fabulous humans! Today, let’s chat about something that’s more liberating than finding out your favorite jeans still fit after the holidays. It’s about personal sovereignty. And no, I’m not talking about starting your own country, though that’s a cool idea for another day.

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Our Blog . December 20, 2022

Riding the High-Vibe Wave in a Sea of Grumpiness.

Hey there, radiant rays of sunshine! Get ready to sprinkle some sparkle on your day. So, you’re buzzing along, high on life, but everyone around you seems to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed – perpetually. Welcome to the challenge of staying high-vibe in a world that sometimes feels like a grumpy cat convention!

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